eSmart Philippines
eSmart Energy Solutions Pvt. Ltd., is a unique ecosystem that provides powerful, responsive, sustainable and eco-friendly solutions for enhancing the performance of your in-use technology. We are committed to enhancing your existing technology by allowing you to manage and improve your energy needs more efficiently and much more economically. We can provide you solutions almost as far as imagination goes be it Power, Gas, Liquid, HVAC systems, Temperature, anything that needs monitoring, counting, managing, controlling and analyzing. We ensure that your investment is stretched to give you optimum returns – in terms of better technology that is Greentech which automatically makes a direct impact on reducing pollution and increasing your company’s bottom line. Our software and solutions are Cloud based – requiring lower capital investment in additional hardware and software licenses.
We’re offering you the chance to opt for a good life – clean and green!
What is ESCo?
ESCo is an Energy Service Company that provides integrated energy services to its Customers, Which ensures energy efficiency improvement in electrical system.
- it identifies Opportunity,provides technology product and finance to achieve energy efficiency.
- its remuneration is directly tied to the energy saving achieved.
- Turnkey project undertaken for 10 years duration.
Salient benefits of ESCo Project
- eSmart will make total project investment,ZERO INVESTMENT for Corporation.
- eSmart will maintain for 10 years,hence NO MAINTENANCE BURDEN FOR CORPORATION.
- 24×7 helpline to receive complaints and redress.
- Up time above 97%, Service Repairs within 48 Hours; Penalty chargeable for non-performance.
- Surveillance camera will help to identify/later prevent unlawful activity.
Payment to ESCo
- 90% of the monetized Energy Saving.
- 90% of the current maintenance expenses.
- Broad Band charges for surveillance camera.
- Payments to be assured through a revolving Letter of Credit or renewable Bank Guarantee.
Why eSmart Energy Saving Lighting Products
- Achieves highest energy savings.
- Use of only “best in its class” Components.
- Continual technology up-gradation & implementation.
- Web based Monitoring & control on municipal streetlights.
- Optional built in camera in streetlights for enhanced security and crime monitoring.
- Enthusiastic & knowledgeable core design team.
- State of the art manufacturing facilities.
- Sincere customer support 24 x 7.
Business Model - Munciple Streetlights
- Municipal corporation to opt for ESCO.
- The ESCO brings in the initial investment for LED street light.
- ESCO will undertake replacement of existing lighting fixtures with corresponding equivalent wattage of the LED and its maintenance.
- An ESCROW account will be opened with the banker of the municipality: and as a security,municipality shall deposit 6 months energy saving amount to this account.
- Energy saving will be shared in the ratio of 90% to ESCO and 10% to municipality.
For Streetlight
10 years guarantee for the street light is given by the company. Therefore, no cost to be borne by the Government /Local Body / Organization.
- Additionally, there is 70-75% and with dimming 80-85% savings in electricity, thus a greener option to light the streets.
- Electricity costs are likely to increase with time. By installing LED lights, the Government / Local Body / Organizations savings will also increase proportionately.
- Significant savings in maintenance cost as the expected life span of the street lights is in excess of 15 years.
- After the contract period all the benefits of the savings goes directly to the Government / Local Body / Organization.
For Tube Lights
All tube lights to be replaced at our company’s cost, and therefore, no capital investment needs to be made by the local bodies / consumers.
- With this replacement, there will be savings of at least 60 – 70% of the current electricity cost. 5 years warranty for tube light.
- The company will take on full responsibility of replacement of the LED tube lights for 5 years.
Payment for Tube Lights
- In exchange for the services provided, the company receives compensation for saving over a period of 25 months. For additional 36 months warranty compensation for the service charge only.
PPP Success Story - City of Bhubaneshwar
Street lighting infrastructure in Bhubaneshwar, the capital of the indian state of Odisha, is outdated, inefficient, and in poor condition. Small streets and residential areas have poor, if any, lighting. Resource inefficiencies also make it expensive, creating a burden on the city’s budjet. The city’s municipal authority, the Bhubaneshwar Municipal Corporation, asked for IFC’s assistance to desgin and structure the transaction, and manage a public private partnership process to identiy a qualified private sctor partner to upgrade and manage the street lighting system.
Shah Investments, Financials, Developments, and Consultants Private Limited, an Indian Energy Services Company, was awared the tender. It will invest in and manage Bhubaneshwar’s street lighting system and receive payments generated by realized energy savings. The city’s citizens will benefit from better street lighting without adding to the city’s financial burden. The contract was signed on October 5, 2013.
The Municipal authority of Bhubaneshwar, the capital of india state Odisha, knew it had a secret lighting problem. Although the main roads were well-lit, smaller streets and residentials areas were lit with dim, patchy lighting or none at all. The city’s street lighting fell far below national standards, leading to constant complaints from the public. To make matter worse, owing to poor quality equipment, energy consumption of street lighting was exetrmely high, staining the city’s finances.
The cause of this problem was no secret. First, street lighting infrasturture was oudated.= and in poor condition. Second, the entire system was operated manually and only with few personnel available, maintenance was insufficient. Only six people handled procurement, installation and replacement of luminaries and customer complaints for a city with about 20,000 street lights. Third, no monitoring system was in place over 75% of the street lights lacked meters and inventory records existed. The city could neither monitor nor control burning hours.
Bhubaneshwar Municipal Corporation (BMC), the responsible authority, understood that it did not have a techinical or financial capacity to modernize and manage its street lighting system. It considered entering into performance based contract wit the private sector, whereby an Energy Service Company (ESCO) would upgrade the street lighting infrasrtucture and improve management through metering, remote monitoring, compliance with national lighting standrads, and the use of inventory records. ESCO would recover its inverstment by claiming a share of ebergy saving realized. But the track record of ESCO contracts in other Indian cities were mixed. many failed because of poor prepartion and risk allocation.
World Bank IFC’s Role
IFC work closly with BMC throughout the process. The team carried out techincal, commercial and legal sue digilance, designed and transaction structure, drafted bid documents, marketed the project, and provide the assistance throughout the bidding process.IFC also analyzed similar projects in Indiaand interaced with several ESCOs to identify best practices and potential impediments. The findings were integrated in the project design.
Message from the Founder Mr. Shah
Mr. Suresh H. Shah, President and Founder of eSmart Energy Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
B.E. (Mechanical) from MIT, India
M.S. (Indl. Engg.), University of Arkansas, U.S.A.
Major: Operations Research
Minor: Economic Analysis
I take this opportunity to thank our valued customers, whose continued patronage and confidence in our products inspire us to extend the best of services and enable us to provide value for their money. We “eSmart Energy Solutions Pvt. Ltd.” are dedicated to developing technology based energy saving lighting products. We are focused at addressing the needs of the customers through rugged, efficient, reliable & economic way to supply the products.
“SMART ENERGY SAVINGS” is the need of the hour, when today whole world is falling short of energy, and where lighting is one of the major contributor determining demand & supply. Looking at the social need & business perspective, we are bound to support most effective energy saving lighting products with latest trends & technology. We plan to achieve this goal through our strength- The employees and seek their continuous involvement in achieving the company’s objective. Our rapid & sustainable development rests a great deal on the prudent use of energy & curbing its wastage. Energy conservation has to be made a way of Life, hence we are targeting Indian Business and also emerging big way globally too.
Today we are equipped with state of the art manufacturing setup along with knowledgeable staff. We have a strong background of more than 15yrs. vast experience in the same field.
Awards & Recognition